What Documents Do I Need to Rent a Car with Driver in Jeddah?

Documents to Rent a Car with Driver in Jeddah

Jeddah, one of the largest cities in Saudi Arabia, has beautiful beaches and historical sites and is a popular tourist destination. Many tourists rent a car with a driver to explore this vibrant city. It provides convenience and comfort and allows a better understanding of the culture and local customs. However, renting a car with a driver in Jeddah requires some essential paperwork and documentation. This article will discuss the documents needed to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah.

Valid Passport

Before renting a car with a driver in Jeddah, it is crucial to have a valid passport. It is a mandatory document for all foreign visitors entering the country. The passport must have a minimum validity of six months from arrival and at least one blank page for the entry stamp. Jeddah is quite strict about visa requirements, and without a valid passport, it is impossible even to enter the country.

Valid Passport

International Driver’s License

In addition to a valid passport, it is also necessary to have an international driver’s license to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah. It is a legal requirement for foreign tourists to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) if they wish to drive in Saudi Arabia. It is a translated version of your driver’s license, making it easier for local authorities to understand your credentials. Without an international driver’s license, renting a car with a driver in Jeddah is not possible.

Proof of Insurance

Proof of insurance is another critical document needed to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah. Insurance is necessary for the safety of the driver, passengers, and vehicle. Ensure you get a comprehensive insurance policy covering all damages, including accidents and theft. It is always better to review the insurance policies carefully and check if there are any hidden costs or exclusions before finalizing the deal.

Valid Credit Card

Most car rental companies in Jeddah require a valid credit card to rent a car with a driver. The credit card is a security deposit against any damages or traffic violations. The credit card must be in the renter’s name and have a sufficient credit limit to cover the rental charges. Some rental companies might also ask for a security deposit in cash. It is advisable to clarify the payment method beforehand to avoid any confusion.

Rental Agreement

Before renting a car with a driver in Jeddah, it is imperative to read and understand the rental agreement carefully. It is a binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental, including the rental period, rental cost, and any additional charges. Ask for a copy of the rental agreement and keep it safe for reference.

Rental Agreement


If you plan to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah, ensure all the necessary documents are in place. The essential documents required are a valid passport, international driver’s license, proof of insurance, valid credit card, and a rental agreement. It is always better to be prepared beforehand and avoid any last-minute hassles. With proper documentation, you can have a hassle-free and memorable trip to Jeddah with the appropriate documentation.


Q: Can I rent a car without a valid passport with a driver in Jeddah?

A: No, a valid passport is mandatory for all foreign visitors entering Saudi Arabia. It is also required to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah.

Q: Do I need an international driver’s license to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah?

A: An international driver’s license is necessary for driving in Saudi Arabia. It is a legal requirement for all foreign tourists.

Q: Is insurance mandatory for renting a car with a driver in Jeddah?

A: Insurance is mandatory when renting a car with a driver in Jeddah. It is for the safety of the driver, passengers, and vehicle.

Q: Do I need a credit card to rent a car with a driver in Jeddah?

A: Most car rental companies in Jeddah require a valid credit card to rent a car with a driver. However, some may also accept a cash deposit.

Q: Can I negotiate the terms and conditions of the rental agreement?

A: It is always advisable to carefully read and understand the rental agreement before signing it. However, if needed, you can negotiate the terms and conditions with the rental company.

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