Are there Any Age Restrictions for Renting a Car with a Driver in Makkah?

Age Restrictions for Renting a Car

When planning a trip to Makkah, transportation is one of the most important things to consider. While various options are available, such as taxis, buses, and trains, renting a car with a driver is popular among tourists. It offers convenience, flexibility, and comfort, especially for those traveling in groups or with families.

However, if you are under a certain age, you may wonder if you can rent a car with a driver in Makkah. This article will dive into the age restrictions for renting a car with a driver in Makkah and what you need to know before booking.

Age Restrictions for Renting a Car with Driver in Makkah

Generally, the minimum age requirement for renting a car with a driver in Makkah is 21 years old. This is the standard policy for most car rental companies in Makkah. However, it is essential to note that some companies may have a higher age requirement, such as 23 or 25. This may vary depending on the type of car and the company’s policies. Therefore, it is crucial to check the specific age requirement of the car rental company before making a reservation to avoid any inconvenience.

For those under 21, renting a car with a driver in Makkah is possible, but it may come with additional requirements and fees. Some car rental companies may allow individuals between 18-21 to rent a car with a driver, but they may be required to pay a young driver surcharge. This surcharge can range from 20 to 50 SAR (Saudi Riyal) per day, on top of the standard rental fee.

Individuals under 21 may also be required to have a credit card in their name and show a valid driver’s license with a minimum of one year of driving experience. This rule is in place to ensure the safety of the driver and the vehicle. It is also important to note that the driver’s license must be written in English or Arabic. Otherwise, it may not be accepted.

For individuals over the age of 21, the process of renting a car with a driver in Makkah is relatively straightforward. You should easily book a car if you have a valid driver’s license credit card and meet the company’s age requirement.


If you are planning to rent a car with a driver in Makkah, it is essential to be aware of the age restrictions set by car rental companies. The minimum age requirement is generally 21, but some companies may have a higher age limit. For individuals under the age of 21, there may be additional requirements and fees.

Therefore, it is crucial to do proper research and check with the company before making a reservation. By following the age restrictions set by car rental companies, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience during your trip to Makkah.


Q: Are there any additional fees for renting a car with a driver for individuals under 21?

A: Some car rental companies may impose a young driver surcharge for individuals aged 18-21. This surcharge can range from 20 to 50 SAR per day, on top of the standard rental fee.

Q: Is there a maximum age limit for renting a car with a driver in Makkah?

A: There is usually no maximum age limit for renting a car with a driver in Makkah. However, some car rental companies may have restrictions for drivers over a certain age. Therefore, checking with the company before making a reservation is essential.

Q: Can I rent a car with a driver in Makkah if I have a foreign driver’s license?

A: Yes, as long as your foreign driver’s license is written in English or Arabic, you should be able to rent a car with a driver in Makkah. However, checking with the car rental company is essential as they may have specific requirements.

Q: Can I rent a car with a driver in Makkah if I reside in another country?

A: Yes, tourists and foreigners can also rent a car with a driver in Makkah. However, some car rental companies may have specific limitations for non-residents. It is best to check with the rental company beforehand.

Q: Is it possible for someone under 21 to drive a rented car with a driver in Makkah?

A: No, the person who rents the car must drive it. If an individual under 21 wants to rent a car with a driver in Makkah, they must be driving with a valid driver’s license and credit card.

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